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stefonnie90 Guestbook

Aticos  (10 years ago)
...Who hurts you, makes you STRONGER, who criticizes you, makes you IMPORTANT, who envy you, makes you VALUABLE. And, sometimes it's fun to know that those who wish you the worst you have to endure the BEST ever happen to YOU...
velusimbu  (10 years ago)
NIX45  (10 years ago)

zizo202  (10 years ago)

NIX45  (10 years ago)

CUDOR  (10 years ago)


NIX45  (10 years ago)

because it is not online right now?
NIX45  (10 years ago)

gud morning

NIX45  (10 years ago)
The story goes thus: already a while ago, a male punishment their little girl of 3 years for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was scarce in those days by what exploded in fury, when he saw the girl trying to wrap a box to put under the Christmas tree. However the girl took the gift his father the next morning and said: "This is for you, Daddy," the he felt ashamed of his reaction of fury. but it returned to exploit when he saw that the box was empty. Returned you to shout saying: "do you not know that when you give a gift someone supposed that there must be something in" the tiny
turn up with tears in his eyes and said, "Oh, Daddy, not this empty, I blow kisses in the box, all for you, Daddy."The father was dying; He put his arms around his little girl, and I beg you to forgive him. 
Has been said that man I keep that box Golden near his bed for years and always felt collapsed. He took box an imaginary kiss and remember the love that his little girl had put there. In a very sensitive way, each one of us human we received a container filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, friends, Golden family or God. 
NIX45  (10 years ago)

Friend 4ever
You are my friend
On which I can depend.
You are the closest person to my heart
I will never try to break your heart
You make me feel delight
When my mood says to fight
I can bare anything for my dear
But cant bear when u fear
I will stand for you any time and place
Whether someone is with you or only god grace
I really respect you from my heart
Will keep you happy even I have to sell my part
If you are with me I feel I am in heaven
If you are far I feel somebody took me away from my dear pal
All I want to say is that we are friends
For ever forever and forever

hugs 4 Angel

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