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zubi1666 Guestbook

amit362436  (13 years ago)
miss u..bye sweet dremz love u..
amit362436  (13 years ago)
evry time i see ur photo in my cell .a silent smile come to my face and my me smile evn whn im in sad.good night.....sweetdremz with me...misss u..and i know u too...keep smiling...
amit362436  (13 years ago)
Ravi0088  (13 years ago)
help me yaar
MOHAMMED0588  (13 years ago)
hi zubi how are you .9321372540
amit362436  (13 years ago)
miss u in my every single breath.i really missing u and felling so alone.
Mansoor00788  (13 years ago)
Pls add me
amit362436  (13 years ago)
missing u zubi...get well soon
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'I nO loNgEr hAvE thE feAr of bEiNg aLonE. It’S cOoL tO finD oUt tHaT yOu don’T nEEd a bOyfRieNd tO bE hAPPy' i mEAn diStuRbiNg friEnD likE mE..lOOk n uR wAlL..i wAs duMPed mANy usELEss wOrDs hErE..i wAnT tO cReAt uR wAlL aLmOsT oLd nEwS pApEr cOz i miSSed yOu frIEnd {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} gOoD nigHt..sWeeT slEeP
amit362436  (13 years ago)
zubi u make cry .why?how can u do thzcto me.just go to ur past inbox n c wht i write to u.i really misssed all day.

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