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Bappo60 Guestbook

Tirana60  (13 years ago)

I want give something 4 u
Plz forgive me
Tanjid plz
Tirana60  (13 years ago)

danelfiriel  (13 years ago)



My friend I will be missing for some days..

Be always happy and always smile!

Take care!



Tirana60  (13 years ago)

I angry wit my frnd
Why she told me now
And i alwys ask u but she tell me lie alwys

I hate u i knw bcz u she lie wit me
U not want hv i knw how about u

Tirana60  (13 years ago)

I miss u
Plz cmbck soon plz

Tirana60  (13 years ago)

My frnd tell me about u today
Oh tanjid u can life without me ucan

I hurt u, im bad wrong wit u
But u cant hate me u cant life without me
Why tanjid why
U good boy plz dont stpid bcz me

U knw my happines nothing was 4 ever
I mean your dearling my grnmther

Plz im sorry
My pain my fault im sorry im very sorry

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