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Himanshu1071  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)
'eVeN A HaPpY LiFe cAnNoT Be wItHoUt a mEaSuRe oF DaRkNeSs, AnD ThE WoRd hApPy wOuLd lOsE ItS MeAnInG If iT WeRe nOt bAlAnCeD By sAdNeSs. It iS FaR BeTtEr tAkE ThInGs aS ThEy cOmE AlOnG WiTh pAtIeNcE AnD EqUaNiMiTy..' GoOd nIgHt... {Image} {Image}
sattl5000  (13 years ago)

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good night my friend
elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} {Image} elameral
vishal1950  (13 years ago)
hi how are you my friend whish you happy life see ya
vishal1950  (13 years ago)
hi how are you my friend whish you happy life see ya
Himanshu1071  (13 years ago)
Good night dear sweet dreems
irwansuryana9  (13 years ago)
okie3x....sama2x ea...taqobalallahu mina waminkum....semoga berjalan lancar n sukses ramadhan tahun ni.....amien......

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