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613333 Guestbook

Icha2281  (12 years ago)
ke hatimu dongs ;)
613333  (12 years ago)
Oh...i'm sorry 4 that... ....
L0veHuRt  (12 years ago)
dun send me thumbs emoticon,i hate dat thanks
patolame  (12 years ago)
hi how r u?
julyannah25  (12 years ago)
ok.. your name pls?
julyannah25  (12 years ago)
thank you..
julyannah25  (12 years ago)
The moment you'd find the courage to sacrifice your happiness for someone

It would be the moment you understand love

have great day ahead! Keep safe..
Icha2281  (12 years ago)
hehe iyade~
Icha2281  (12 years ago)
hehe iya sama2
Suatu kehormatan di bilang 'best friend'. Thankyou so much . Smoga kamu ga akan pernah kecewa menjadikan aku best friendmu ya , amin

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