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BEBODREAMWORLD2 Guestbookbebodreamworld2 (13 years ago) Bebodreamworld2 presents Ownskin Icon Of The Week.. If you want to become Ownskin Icon of The Week then register your name with city on bebodreamworld2 Guestbook. Registration lines are open till tomorrow midnight. So do Hurry. maruf794 (13 years ago) ♥ We sMiLe aT WhOm wE LiKe… ♥ wE CrY FoR WhOm wE CaRe… ♥ wE LaUgH WiTh wHoM We eNjOy… ♥ aNd wE GeT AnGrY WiTh wHoM We fEeL Is oUr oWn. ♥ tHaTs tHe sEcReT Of a rElAtIoNsHiP..! pEoPlE SaY ThAt “No sOrRy aNd nO ThAnKs iN FrIeNdShIp oR In a rElAtIoNsHiP..bUt rEaLiTy iS ThEsE 2 WoRdS AcTuAlLy sAvE ThE ReLaTiOnS..! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} MooN LigHT NigHT To YoU...thanx dear 4 invitation Abu1331ubaidah (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} Nice Relationships Are Like The Breathing Air... You Will Never See Them.... But You Will Always Feel Their Presence... THATS THE BEAUTY OF LOVE {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} | |