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NADE3L GuestbookP0cah0ntas (12 years ago) Open with Love… If I disturb you I am Sorry! But I need To Say I… Love… Disturbing you… {Image} {Image} Tears of Eyes are ‘Valuable’ Speech of Lips is ‘Powerful’ Heart with Love is ‘Beautiful’ But friend ship with U is ‘Most wonderful.’ {Image} {Image} pUcCa IceNcreamxoxo (12 years ago) Isn’t it ironic? .. We ign0re those wh0 adore us, adore th0se who ign0re us, hurt those wh0 love us and love th0se wh0 hurt us.. Take Care my friend P0cah0ntas (12 years ago) ***************** When you love some1, automatically you will start, caring that person .... . b'czz You have a hope, like she specially made 4 you. that caring is, Hope in Love .... ***************** {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} PucCa mylove0015 (12 years ago) Thanks 4 visit my profile MoR {Image} {Image} {Image} HvE a GoOd DaY TaKe CaRe KeEp SmIlInG YoUrS lOvInG JIMY | |