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OzyFernando Guestbook

thendral12  (10 years ago)
Bt how yr? i have new number if u want i wil do,it just 5 rupees
thendral12  (10 years ago)
First u should verify your profile
thendral12  (10 years ago)
I can't see any bg in ur profile

u mean stupid bg i hardly designed it
thendral12  (10 years ago)
U mean my avatar even i don't know
hows my bg nw?
thendral12  (10 years ago)
thendral12  (10 years ago)
“The Best Lines ever
said by a Man....."
When I was born, A
Woman was there to
hold me...... My Mother
As I grew up as a child,
A woman was there to
care & play with
me..... My sister
I went to school, A
Woman was there to
help me learn...... My
I became depressed
when I lost, A Woman
was there to offer a
shoulder... My Girlfriend
I needed compatibility,
company & Love, A
Woman was there for
me.. My Wife
I became tough, A
Woman was there to
melt me..... My
When I will die, A
Woman will be there to
absorb me
in....... Motherland
If you are a Man, value
every Woman...& If you
are a Woman, feel
proud to be one
Give respect to

thendral12  (10 years ago)
See,Hows now?
thendral12  (10 years ago)
Hmmm..wait i will change now !
thendral12  (10 years ago)
Hehehe nice dp
thendral12  (10 years ago)
Hehehe u have guitar? I love to play guitar and piano too

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