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SHONA4SUNNY Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) some memorable love quotes for you... my friend: 'iN ReAl lOvE YoU WaNt tHe oThEr pErSoN’S GoOd... iN RoMaNtIc lOvE, yOu wAnT ThE OtHeR PeRsOn' 'LoVe iS NoT A MaTtEr oF CoUnTiNg tHe yEaRs – It’s mAkInG ThE YeArS CoUnT….' 'tHe bEsT PrOoF Of lOvE Is tRuSt...' 'wE WaStE TiMe lOoKiNg fOr tHe pErFeCt lOvEr, iNsTeAd oF CrEaTiNg tHe pErFeCt lOvE...' 'ImMaTuRe lOvE SaYs: “i lOvE YoU BeCaUsE I NeEd yOu... ”MaTuRe lOvE SaYs: “i nEeD YoU BeCaUsE I LoVe yOu.” GooD NiGhT aNd LoVeLy WeEkEnD WiTh LoVe aNd sMiLe {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} miss you maruf794 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} oh my dear's you so happy to see you plz plz plz dont go again how's your time Roo3ah44 (13 years ago) {Image} إي محبــہ ؟ ،،،وإي عشــره؟،، وإي ،،،حنــان ؟؟؟ و ،،،، إي شوووق؟؟ الي أنــت تتكلـمـ علـيـہ،،!!! يــعنــي ''ووآثق'' أن باقــي لك بقلــبي مكان وإن قلبــي لك يرجع لو ترتجيــہ قلبــي غلطتــہ انؤ حبك صـااان'' لو يرجع قلبــي يصافحك واللــہ لقطــع ايديــہ ''' maruf794 (13 years ago) ‘hEaRtBeAtS ArE ThE BiGgEsT HyPoCrItEs iN ThE WoRlD, tHeY BeAt iN YoUr bOdY BuT, aLwAyS DaNcE To tHe tUnE Of sOmEoNe eLsE...' StRaNg bUt tRuE...WiShInG LoVeLy nIgHt... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} | |