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SSDKUMARS Guestbooksoulmate160197 (10 years ago) N¡ght ¡$ @ ₩ond€®fu£ Oppo®tun¡t¥. To t@k€ ®€$t, To fo®g¡v€, To D®€@m, To $m¡£€ @nd To g€t ®€@d¥ fo® @££ th€ b@tt£€$ Th@t ¥ou h@v€ to f¡ght tomo®®o₩. Go_oD N¡ght soulmate160197 (10 years ago) ¥ou® $m¡£€ m@k€$ €v€®¥on€ ®€@£¡z€ th@t th€ ₩o®£d ¡$ @ £ov€£¥ @nd b€@ut¡fu£ P£@¢€.. Go_OD Mo_®n¡nG soulmate160197 (10 years ago) $t@nd up fo® ₩h@t ¥ou B€£¡€v€ ¡n €v€n ¡f ¥ou® $t@nd¡ng @£on€.. Go_OD MO_®n¡nG H@v€ @n @₩€$om€ D@¥ soulmate160197 (10 years ago) GooD Mo®n¡ng ₩h@t @®€ ¥ou ¢hoO$¡ng tod@¥? a) $olv€ ¥ou® P®o£€m$ ~~~~~~~~~®~~~~~~~~~~ b) £¡v€ ₩¡th th€m fo® on€ mo®€ d@¥ soulmate160197 (10 years ago) £€ moon ¡$ ¢@££¡ng u ... $€€ th€ $t@®$ ® $h¡n¡ng fo® u.. H€@® m¥ h€@®t $@¥$: m@¥ God bu¡£t @ ¢@$t£€ ¡n th€ h€@v€n @nd m@d€ u €@t f®om ¡t$ f®u¡t$ !!! Good N¡ght ... $₩€€t D®€@mzzZzz soulmate160197 (10 years ago) Do't £o$€ hop€ ¥ou n€v€® kno₩ ₩h@t futu®€ ₩¡££ b®¡ng.. Good n¡ght $w€€€t D®€@mzzZzz soulmate160197 (10 years ago) Th€ d¡ff¡¢u£t¡€$ of £¡f€ @®€ ¡nt€nt€d to m@k€ u$ b€tt€®, not b¡tt€®.. Good Mo®n¡ng ₩¡$h¡ng ¥ou @ ₩ond€®fu£ D@¥ soulmate160197 (10 years ago) ''``°^°``''``°^°``''``°^°``''``°^°` '``°^°``''$t®ong p€op£€''``°^°``' '``°^°``''Don't put oth€®$''``°^°``' ''``°^°``''``°^Do₩n...°``''``°^°``'' '``°^°``Th€¥ £¡ft th€m up``°^°``' (",")(*,*)(',')GooD Mo®n¡ng(",")(*,*)(',') '',,(*_*)H@v€ @ ___________D@¥(*_*),,'' | |