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charmface29 Guestbook

suhaan153  (13 years ago)
So hows u feeling now?
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Get well soon Dear!!!
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
"A morning greeting doesn't only mean 'Good Morning', it has a silent loving message saying, I think of you when I wake up." Good Morning
Bellarose73  (13 years ago)
Thnx my friend !
charmface29  (13 years ago)
To all my friends who sending messages to me,im sorry i cannot reply now to ur messages immediately,im sick and my doctor advise to me to get rest.I will get back to all of ur messages as soon i get better.Thank you all and God Bless
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'ArE wE frndS oR ArE wE noT ? YoU tolD mE oncE...buT i forgoT.. So telL mE noW... anD telL mE truE.. sO i cAn sAy... I aM herE foR u.. Of alL thE frNds... I havE EveR mEt.. u r thE onE... I’lL nEvEr foRgEt.. AnD if i diE... beforE yOu dO.. I wilL gO tO hEaVeN... AND waiT foR U...' tO YOU.... MY FRIEND {Image} wE arE frienD:smilE: {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
elameral  (13 years ago)
you are impossible to forget
maruf794  (13 years ago)
happy to see you charmi {Image} {Image}
charmface29  (13 years ago)
When u loved a person,u are ready to accept her for what she is not for who she is.Its about you give and you take,not always taking her for granted.
charmface29  (13 years ago)
According to Gastro doctor,i had an intestinal flu thats why i dont feel better and sick.Goodbye diet,i will not do it again.Because of this diet,i almost killed myself.RECOVERY MODE...!

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