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cherryoung222 Guestbookmaruf794 (12 years ago) We aLL nEeD SoMeOnE To TaLk To iN OuR LiFe, a fRiEnD To wHoM We rUn iN TiMeS Of sTrEsS Or sTrIfE a fRiEnD WhO’S AlWaYs tHeRe tHrOuGhOuT ThE YeArS, A FrIeNd wE KnOw WiLL CaRe aNd tAkE AwAy oUr fEaRs. a fRiEnD WhO’S AlWaYs nEaR, wAiTiNg fOr oUr caLL, To wIpE AwAy oUr tEaRs, AnD LiFt uS WhEn wE FaLL. a LoVinG FrIeNd iNdEeD, oN WhOm wE CaN DePeNd To FuLFiLL oUr eVeRy nEeD ... tHaNk yOu,mY PrEcIoUs fRiEnD..! YoU ArE NoT OnLy tHe fRiEnD I FoUnD, YoU ArE An aNgEl wHo wALkS oN ThE GrOuNd, i cOuLd sEaRcH My wHoLe LifE ThRoUgH, AnD I KnOw i’LL NoT FiNd aNoThEr fRiEnD LiKe yOu… ! A SmaLL DoT CaN StOp a bIg sEnTeNcE BuT FeW MoRe dOtS CaN GiVe iT A CoNtInUiTy... aMaZiNg bUt tRuE... mAkE EvErY EnDiNg, A NeW BeGiNnInG. MiSsInG UuUuUuUuU... GooD NighT... TaKe cArE aLwaYs.... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} tarekttoty (12 years ago) Flowers and Roses Cards - Photobucket Flowers and Roses Cards - Photobucket Flowers and Roses Cards - Photobucket Flowers and Roses Cards - Photobucket | |