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haram78 Guestbook

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Whenever you are down

Always remembr you are braver than you believe

stronger than u seem 'n

smarter than u think 'n than you hav me tOO!

Life isn't so bad.

Good Noon Friends Take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Life is touch nd go.

Some people will be there

Only for sometime,

Some will go away,

But ppl who find u special,

Will always find ways to stay

Good Noon Friends Take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

An Excellent Quote

Written on the Prayer Hall

"God Has A Time To Listen


Do You Have A Time To Pray

Good Noon Friends & take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Life Is Like Race Betwen Cat n Rat

Rat Mostly Wins.

Because Cat Runs for Food


Rat Runs For Life

Always Remember

Purpose Is More Important than Need

Good Evening Friends & Take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

A wish for a sweet friend

May the sun always shine

On your windowpane

May a rainbow be certain

To follow each rain

May the hand of a friend

Always be near you

May god fill your heart

With gladness to cheer you

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

TIME Is A Rare Luxury

Which Can Never Be Purchased At Any Cost..

So when,

Someone Spends it For You,

It defines the depth of care One Has For You

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Life is different than teacher,

A teacher teaches lesson,

Then keeps the exam.

But the life keeps the exam first,

Then teaches the lesson,

Good Evening Firiends

Take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Express Yourself To Someone Who Cares For You

Not To Someone Who Need You


'CARE' Means 'Personal Commitment'

'n 'Need' Means 'Personal Requirement'

Good Evening Friends & Take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

One simple tip to stay happy

Never think about the third person
Never think what the third person thinks about you

Enjoy the life. !

Good Noon Friends take care

Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Love comes on its own,

But it only Grows if you care for it,

Never hurt people who love you a Lot,

Because they wont hurt you back,

But probably Leaves you Forever

Good Noon friends Take care

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