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ekafialestari Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) WhNn U fEeL U R aLonE iN thE CrOwD... WhEn U ThinK No onE cAn UndErStaNd U... WhEn UR LovE iS rejEctEd bY oTheRs... & whEn U hAtE UR LifE... JUsT CLosE UR EyEs... & sEe.. ParEnTs' fAccE whO LovEs U {Image} {Image} {Image} Manoj55542 (13 years ago) Hi dear Goood morning frend sweet day happy day Net is fun of life goodboy5532 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} najafi (13 years ago) href="">Image Hosting SiteBaby NamesMeaning Of NamesFree Image HostingGoogle Start PagesQuotes PlanetImage UploadGoogle HomepageQuotes and QuotationsImage HostingGoogle HomepagesFunny QuotesImage SharingNames and MeaningsMeaning Of NamesSearch"> | |