Cutiekaipink (11 years ago)Garry tnx 4 da mcge u made me str0ng!
garry131 (11 years ago)may the sun shine, all day long
everything go right, & nothing wrong
may those u love bring love back to u
may all the wishes u wish come true
allan9556 (11 years ago)bkt mukng my prob. Ka dn aBOUt s lvlyf u ah
garry131 (11 years ago) “MORNING”
is a good time to “REMEMBER
all the sweet things &
all sweet persons in your “LIFE
so wake up with your
{Image} ♚
garry131 (11 years ago)´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶
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