xiicharm05 (12 years ago)im fine. . .still have a headache but its ok . I to0k med already king . But i d0nt drink tea c0z i d0nt like the taste . H0w about u? H0ws ur day g0ing on?
KingMagatron (12 years ago)Hahaha good but plz take madicine at the time.
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)yeah im fine trying to ign0re my headache .
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)yeah im fine trying to ign0re my headache .
KingMagatron (12 years ago)Ok whats up? R u free from school?
Shoaibie (12 years ago)yar 0s chat py ja waha say 0s Lobby may ja waha py smilie likha h0 waha py text daikh lay...
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)im fine king. . .even im suffering fr0m a mild headache