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Yoon15 Guestbook

siddhesh18  (11 years ago)
"When it hurts to look back and your scared to look
ahead you can look beside you and your best friend
will be there."
26cloud  (11 years ago)
I dnt kn0w why,,mybe becuz u speak tagalog??u realy did it c0rrecly
johnken20  (11 years ago)
marami akong favorite
ikaw ano fav.. mo?
26cloud  (11 years ago)
I dnt kn0w why,,mybe becuz u speak tagalog??u realy did it c0rrecly
26cloud  (11 years ago)
Hahaha,.Ur so funy u realy make me laugh!!,thank u!
26cloud  (11 years ago)
Hmhm, a secreat huh!! Haha cnt undrstand th0se last w0rds,.
26cloud  (11 years ago)
Hahaha w0ow very mpresve where did u learned that??
26cloud  (11 years ago)
Hahaha,.U make me laugh!,just chatng with u!Ikaw an0 gawa m0?
26cloud  (11 years ago)
Hahaha,u kn0w h0w to speak phlippine language?
26cloud  (11 years ago)
Hahaha,ok2x ur n0t,just a cute c0median

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