ernie89 Guestbook kitting83 (11 years ago)kerja .. Cibubur nya dimana sih? serizawan (11 years ago)the breeze has awakened the earth, the sun gave brightness to the earth, birds gave melodious music to the earth, then its the time to wish my friend,
good morning,  have a lovely day,  kitting83 (11 years ago)tinggal di bogor, mba nya dimana??? serizawan (11 years ago)a day is going to end again, it's nice to have a friend like u, making my everyday seems so great,
good night,  sweet dreams,  kitting83 (11 years ago)waaahh tegal?? Perek dong . Aku pemalang  kitting83 (11 years ago)malem juga  .. Asli mana nih?? serizawan (11 years ago)good morning, 
have a nice day,  serizawan (11 years ago)good evening,  keep smiling,  serizawan (11 years ago)have a beautiful night,  sweet dreams,  |