vIckey96(13 years ago) ¤ hmm.. wh0 r yOu wHos thE gAl tAt mAkeS mOst of swEeT iD'z wh0's thE 1 tAt olwAys g0t pReetY'st pr0fiLe pIcs lInDa mAy b sme1 whO cAre4 hEr frnDz bUt iz olwaYs buSy wIth bOrinG stUdIez ..aHh i dOnt kNow ¤
vIckey96(13 years ago) y0o0 5yr. olD kIdDo cho0 ch0o chwEet
xiaotsen(13 years ago) i understand but they are really sweet and cute if they are well- behaved
SHONA4SUNNY(13 years ago) bt im a super star...i dont need any more star
lonelyLOVE1(13 years ago) gud nyt swt drms! Sleep well+++*..*..*..*..*tkcare..
natsumi77(13 years ago) sorry frinds goin for lunch be ryt back
SHONA4SUNNY(13 years ago) yes u r bt nw u ll b more famous wen u r in my friend list
xiaotsen(13 years ago) they are so cute,always full of energy yup,i love small kids you?