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Lea76 Guestbookrajkumarashok (13 years ago) Science has proved that sugar melts in water, so please don't walk in the rain, otherwise I may lose a sweet friend like u!!! or some times...... you will miss me...... maruf794 (13 years ago) sWeeTneSS iN yOuR sPeEcH taLeNt iN yOuR MinD LoVe iN yOuR hEaRt pEaCe iN yOuR EyEs sTrEngTh iN yOuR HaNdS & I WisH aLwAyS VicToRy iN yOuR LifE DOn’T tAkE tEnSioN u’LL gEt uR dEsTinAtiOn Don’T MaKe uR minD jAm duE tO aNy ExAm BeLiEvE uR SeLf GOD wiLL heLp you tO gEt sUccEsS WiShiNg yÖu bEsT oF LuCk mY dEaR…….GooD niGhT {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} rajkumarashok (13 years ago) Friendship is Not having a gang of people around u..Its best to have 1 heart which is true..thinking of u....if i did anytng wröng for u plz forgive me..bcoz nw iam making my mind to leave os forever.... | |