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MaikoChan97 Guestbookserizawan (11 years ago) *"Always"* welcome a new day with a *"Smile"* on ur *"Lips"* and *"Good"* *"Thoughts"* *"In Mind"* {Image} *GOOD MORNING* serizawan (11 years ago) ,////, hmmm.. ( "._." ) m")("m ,,(")("),,, in this lovely night,... i pray to the sweet moon to protect you through the night,... the wind to blow away your worries,... and the twinkle stars to guide you the way,... sweet dreams and goodnight.... serizawan (11 years ago) Be c0oL aS iCe...! Be cLeAr As wAtEr...! Be pUrE aS mILk...! Be s0fT aS bAby...! Be cUtE As You...! So ThAt y0u cAn bE SmArT f0rEvEr Like Me... {Image} guD EveNInG... hAPpi wEekeND... Flawlesskim (11 years ago) Thank you maiko . . i sent u message on ur pm but why you sent me message on my gb happy dinner maiko .. serizawan (11 years ago) *** with my: - 1 heart - 2 eyes - 5 litres blood - 206 bones - 1.2 million Red Cells - 60 trillion DNAs i juSt wAnna Say, good morning.. *** have a nice day, serizawan (11 years ago) ()"""() WAIT... ( "o" ) Dont (,--.) Sleep let me pray... ()"""() ( -o-) ( ,(")), Dear GoD,please...let my friend get sweet dreams, Gud nite! serizawan (11 years ago) {“”}__{“”},*,¤,*,¤, ( ¤ APPY,*,¤, {__}”"{__},*,¤,*,¤, Göööööööööööd ||||”"”"”\/””"””|||||||||| |||| ÖRNìNG ||||__/\__/\__|||||||||||| serizawan (11 years ago) ******************** We All Have 0ur Time Machines, Some Take Us Back, They`re Called, "MEMORIES" Some Take Us Forward, They`re Called, "DREAMS" Good night ******************** | |