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Popping Pink

Salvat0re Guestbook

AMdomingo  (10 years ago)
thanks' how u doing now??
reinragel  (10 years ago)
Busy on fb good noon
MAKINO73  (10 years ago)
m0rning to0

uhm wats ur nym by d way
reinragel  (10 years ago)
Sorry for late reply
MAKINO73  (10 years ago)
so i say hi !? :-P
AMdomingo  (10 years ago)
yes' im a 25yrs old, but i never feel in my life that im old ,..always think possitive and be happy all the time thats y im still look young even im a 25 of age,..hahaha!
ownworld74  (10 years ago)
whech country?
AMdomingo  (10 years ago)
how old r u, ??
AMdomingo  (10 years ago)
this is my hobies im always late to sleep ,...but i realy wanted 2 see ur true pic on ur profile, can i , ???
AMdomingo  (10 years ago)
whatever' but im just wondering r u a filipino ??

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