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SkyLark44 Guestbookmsks4ever (13 years ago) Please spread this message as far as you can & please, keep this as your status for minimum an hour. Dutch film FITNA has been released. In the film,they made fun of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) and they refused to apologize. Please join hands to boycott the dutch products. 1.6 billion Muslims can surely slap dutch economy. Please forward this message to all Muslims. Remember Allah may ask you 1 day, "WHAT DID U DO WHEN THEY MADE FUN OF MY MESSENGER Muhammad (SM) najafi (13 years ago) Image UploadGoogle HomepagesBaby NamesImage HostingQuotes and QuotationsFunny QuotesFree Image HostingGoogle HomepageBaby NamesImage SearchGoogle HomepagesBaby NamesFree Image HostingFunny QuotesNames and MeaningsImage SharingGoogle Homepages | |