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wildchild69 Guestbookalin8919 (13 years ago) d¡stance never separates two hearts tat really care,, for our memor¡es span the m¡les n ¡n seconds we r der,, but whenever I start feeling sad, bcoz I m¡ss U, I remind myself hw lucky I m to ve someone so spec¡al to m¡ss... " " alin8919 (13 years ago) u look at me n ¡ fall apart,, u sm¡le at me ¡ warm at heart; u hug me ¡ melt away,, u k¡ss me ¡ what can say,, ((((( I M¡SS U so I send U the Hugs))))))) muah muah alin8919 (13 years ago) ...lOv ¡s not about who lOvs most, who cums f¡rst, who stays da most, lOv ¡s bout da onE who cums n never leaves... ...missing u alin8919 (13 years ago) when ¡ drm of u may b one day my drm wil com true. k¡ss¡ng u baby ¡s my drm, ¡ m da pass¡on u r da cream...i luv u sO much...cum soon...muah muah alin8919 (13 years ago) what gOes frm one heart ¡s stOre ¡n other heart; please stOre the lOv that went frm my heart to ur heart lOv ¡s l¡fe., life ¡s u. ¡f ¡ cOuld change n alphabet, ¡ wOuld place U bs¡des I...luv u hOney | |