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Armin01190 Guestbook

zizo202  (12 years ago)

khatereh007  (12 years ago)
life ends when u stop dreaming,hope ends when u stop believing and love ends when u stop caring.....
so dream hope and love makes life beautiful...... ♬♬♬♬♬♬
Nasim00623  (12 years ago)
سلام مسترخوبي نيستي كجايي بس شيطون؟
Secret67  (12 years ago)
Na khoda ro shokr.manam tabaghe 21 aparteman budam.fek kon bebin chi mishe.khodet chetori.zan nagerefti pesar?mitorshi ha. . . shukhi kardam
Secret67  (12 years ago)
Be omram hamchin chizi nadidam.vahshatnak bud.rasman engar tu gahvare budim.ruzi 5 ya 6bar milarzid.vay eftezah.khoda neshune kafer ham nade
Secret67  (12 years ago)
Salam be duste ba marefatam.inhame zelzele shod yebar nagoeti mordi zendei!
suzy2816  (12 years ago)
Are bachehaye khubian
suzy2816  (12 years ago)
Slm khubam shoma chetorin?

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