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JustILU GuestbookElizaZarkau (11 years ago) Good morning, friends! kind and angry... romantics and pessimists... woken up and still the sleeping...... . the sun ray already furtively ran on your pillow... concerned the heat of your eyes and lips... quietly I whispered on an ear... "Good morning"... we get up! ! ! ! ... What dawn remarkable... The soft, gentle, tender sun makes the way through not numerous light tuchka... the wind is lazy and cool, air is pure and fresh... and sunny day still ahead... whitewine (11 years ago) Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. by khalil gibran ahlamy55 (11 years ago) ♥ ♥ قــد يــولــد الـــحب بكلـــمه ولــكنه لا يمــوت أبـــدا بكلـــمه good nght IIIaloneIII (11 years ago) ♥♥ A smile is a sign of joy. A smile is a sign of joy... A hug is a sign of love... A laugh is a sign of happiness and A friend like U is a sign of "GOOD CHOICE" FRIENDS FOREVER IIIaloneIII ♥♥ | |