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Evil and cruel !!

kusumadwip Guestbook

edward230488  (12 years ago)
No prob
Say my hi to him too
edward230488  (13 years ago)
Yeah.. Las vegas..
Niceee.. Say my hi to him
Decoasto  (13 years ago)
good Evening. . .


have Lovely time..
take care

edward230488  (13 years ago)
I want go to las vegas n paris
Boy or girl?
Decoasto  (13 years ago)
have Lovely day



edward230488  (13 years ago)
my cousin is singaporean. but lives in indonesia... due to his father's work
edward230488  (13 years ago)
I lived w/ my family there...

Ahh~ it means.. "Full of urself" « actually i asked my cousin abt this
edward230488  (13 years ago)
It's okay...
Try say it in Indonesian..
I've lived at Indonesia for 3 months.. But i can a lil of Indonesian slang words hehehe
edward230488  (13 years ago)
Just a dream?
edward230488  (13 years ago)
I'm not too
I'm just a plain innocent boy

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