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StylishHero Guestbooknaba21O (12 years ago) Crazy days and screwed up nights, Tons of Crushes and stupid fights, Secrets we will take to the grave, Pictures we will forever save. Through thick and thin, Always true. Friends forever, Me n U! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} YUVRAAJ007 (12 years ago) "During Childhood We Always Wanted To Grow Big.. But Now We Realise That Broken Pencils & Unfilled Homework Was Better Than Broken Hearts & Busy Life'' whitewine (12 years ago) lOvE iS likE a balloOn, it goes higher and higher once let free but if it pOps, yOur friEnds arE thErE tO catch yOu havE a lOvEly day takEcarE whitEwinE whitewine (12 years ago) lOvE iS aLL arOund yOu tOday aNd EvEryday EnjOy yOur day , aNd makE timE tO dO whatEvEr makEs yOu haPpy havE a coOl day winE whitewine (12 years ago) LOvE iS likE a flOwEr And if yOu dOnt knOw hOw tO takE carE Of it, It will diE WINE | |