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UMMYPERICinta Guestbook

yooucef  (13 years ago)
you happy am very happy dear friend
{Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? {Image} {Image}

yooucef  (13 years ago)
you happy am very happy fear triend
{Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? {Image} {Image}

jasangps  (13 years ago)
hi fnd flower gud n8
shinetsuhiko  (13 years ago)
hehhee nih hadiah na..............muaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

irwansuryana9  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} {Image} enjoy u sweet evening
goodboy5532  (13 years ago)













VIPruler  (13 years ago)
Oh sure y not.... {Image} I'lL be there in ur b'day party b4 u cut the cake ... u don want any gift ???
SmartLiarGirL  (13 years ago)
the best friend will come to you when you are happy and sad. will accept you who you are. will always support you whatever it during it's good. will learn you. will advice you. they will cry if you cry. will laugh if you laugh. they hate if there are something disturb you. will share anything. will keep your secret. and give a "meaning" "friendship is happiness" {Image}
ahmaedaljiaer  (13 years ago)
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