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Popping Pink

hir007 Guestbook

Gabriella2012  (11 years ago)
Yeah nothing HIR ;)
Gabriella2012  (11 years ago)
I'm fine
Call me Ella
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
I'm stUdEnt as i said awhile go i have to go nOw nyc chatng w/ u hIr

and thank's for d tym sPent chtng w/ me

take cAre

frOm; mak
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
okie i wil col u hir dEn col me mak
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
oh 's' replace w/ 'h' dat's y? becoMe 'hIr'
Yuni03  (11 years ago)
U reply my msg on ur gb, dats why i'm not reply u
my sis name is Anyta u can see her on my pic..

Hir i should go now, me too hope we will talk later
take care always
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
dEn wat cn i col u sir
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
yEs sir,, i wl nOt
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
i'm stl a stUdEnt takng a colLege degreE
MAKINO73  (11 years ago)
oh okie and sOrRy again,,, xo wat do u do??

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