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BOBJOE25 GuestbookBOBJOE25 (11 years ago) Sometimes I Do Imaging Something That Are Just Silly, Maybe For Pleasure Or The Way I Thinks Differently. Was It Not Yesterday That I Started Thinking About USA & UN Generaly Of What They Sometimes Declear... Imagine; => world Hiv Day => world Thinking Day => world Boxing Day => world This & That Day I Can't Just Stop To Ask Myself, If Today Is Decleared As World Marrying Day! Then, Who Will U Marry? Or If Today Is Declare World Stealing Day? => What are U Going to Steal? BOBJOE25 (11 years ago) Its awkward and funny, I've seen people that still BETWET at the age of 18. Funny though but lets be serious... At what age did you stop BEDWETTING? I stopped at... ?? BOBJOE25 (11 years ago) READ THIS SCARED STORY IF YOU DARE! On a rainy day, an old man was standing with a Book for Sale. A young man came to buy. He bought the book for $300. Old man adviced "DON'T OPEN LAST PAGE OF THE BOOK " Otherwise, you'll face problem! Man finished the book with great fear but didn't open the last page. But after a Week, out of Curiousity, he opened the last page and he almost fainted to see "Retail Price - $30! BOBJOE25 (11 years ago) Maths teacher asked ME: If I have 12 chocolate and I give 5 to DONA, 3 to ALICE and 4 to ROMA then what will I get? Pls., who can HELP me on that??? | |
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