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Prasant10 Guestbookily188121 (13 years ago) {Image} without money life is nothing but i m very rich because i have many great friend {Image} {Image} ily ily188121 (13 years ago) my dear friend... pls help me... In ownskin start one competition... Ownskin icon of weet... N i parttake it... So pls vote me.. Open me friendlist n see my friend bebodreamworld2 id.. N write in her guest book ya in pm "my vote for ily188121" (mean you sign in bebodreamworld2 guesbook ya in pm with this word "my vote for ily188121" ) pls pls pls Teena333 (13 years ago) "If yOu Really Want tO Give sOmeOne A Gift, Try tO Give Them yOur Time And attentiOn" "A lOving Heart dOesn't Expect Anything mOre Than That". gud morng. Prasant62 (13 years ago) Hi frnd wats r u doing? Wats u r name?my mob no-9178028165 give me u r mobile no? | |