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Suba34 Guestbookqadirhusainkhan (12 years ago) helllo friends D secret attitude of my life... "i build walls not to keep people out of my life but just to see who cares enough to climb over the wall for me..!" qadir husain khan maruf794 (12 years ago) WhEn yOu FaLL In LOvE WiTh sOmEoNe, DoN’T ThInK JuSt sTaRt eNjOyInG It. BeCaUsE AfTeR SoMe tImE. yOu wIlL NoT Be iN PoSiTiOn tO EnJoY AnYtHiNg... {Image} {Image} WhEn yOu aRe hApPy… YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe mOsT … wHeN YoU ArE SaD…. YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHo LovEs yOu tHe mOsT … {Image} {Image} {Image} MAXFLASH009 (12 years ago) Good morning Nice to see you How you've been The beginning of another lovely day Oh oh oh oh oh Good morning | |