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UmInE1 Guestbook

zizo202  (11 years ago)

zizo202  (11 years ago)

UmInE1  (11 years ago)
yar,i come occainaly on os
wanlapha  (11 years ago)

...Good Morning...
...Have a Blessing Day...


wanlapha  (12 years ago)

...Happy New Year...
...May The Holidays Bring U Pleasant Memories & Much Happiness...


wanlapha  (12 years ago)

...Wish U All A Merry Christmas...
...May The Joys Of The Season Fill Your Heart With Goodwill & Cheer....


shyangel12  (12 years ago)

Once in the dream of a night I stood
Lone in the light of a magical wood,
Soul-deep in visions that poppy-like sprang;

And spirits of Truth were the birds that sang,
And spirits of Love were the stars that glowed,
And spirits of Peace were the streams that flowed

In that magical wood in the land of sleep.

shyangel12  (12 years ago)

The sun is shining,
But my eyes see no light.

I see black,
I see people laughing,
But all i hear is the screaming.

What is wrong with me?
All I feel is pain.

I see my blood gushing from my wrist.
Sitting in my room all alone,

I feel crowded,
My mind is yelling

"Nobody loves me!"
Is all I hear all day long,

when I sleep I dream of death
The blood has covered the floor,

I feel light headed
The pain rushes through my body like lighting

Its silent
and as i take my last breath I whisper
"I guess this is all I have worked for......Suicide!"

shyangel12  (12 years ago)

يا ابن ادم لا يغرك طول الامل وكثرالتمني
تراك مقفي والنهايه قريبه

والــعــمــر مــــحــســـوب بــــالـــثــوانــي
لازود ولا نقص ولا فيه ريبه

ومــســئــول عــن الــقـاصــي والــدانــي
واصبر على ما جاك من مصيبه

ولا تـظــلــم تــرى الــحـــــق يــبــــانــــي
ودعوة المظلوم على الظالم مصيبه

تــجـرح شـعــوره بـكـلام مـا لـه مـعـانــي
تضيمه وجروحه تزايد لهيبه

امـسـك طـريـقـك ولا تـصـيـر عــدوانـــي
باسباب ظلمك وجروح القلب عطيبه

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