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Idea for Valentine Days

reyaans06 Guestbook

bebephutra  (13 years ago)
i've becomeyour friend..
bebephutra  (13 years ago)
I've become your friend
thanks ..
coolreyans  (13 years ago)
that id closed. Add me on coolreyans that my new id
fanny63  (13 years ago)
i'm fine... Why u don't chat..??? If u want... U can follow me .. I in metakezzia room..
reyaans06  (13 years ago)
religions why god create u religion. U divide the heart and pepople to each other. Iam sad sad sad sad sad. Why god why religion make hate to other religion and divided the hearts
OKTA123  (13 years ago)
sory dear..if i hurt yu..im asking break up cause i know.we difrent..frist my religion..im muslim n yu hindu..sory..yu must understand baby..

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