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skarface69 Guestbook

Veronica57  (13 years ago)
Wei joe bla mau blk beaufort rndu la sama kamu?
ijoy619  (13 years ago)
Who da hell is johndykes?why u keep silent 4 da couple of months?do u surrender already 2 me?
Johndykes90  (13 years ago)
There u are van halen its almost 1year since u knockout all the champions in europe why u quit
Norulazwa  (13 years ago)
Long time no see awk x ske kwn dgn sy ke skarface
Norulazwa  (13 years ago)
Hi skarface
Norulazwa  (14 years ago)
Relaxs beb awak mcm xska jer dgn pmpuan tp kta msh blh bkwn kn?
ijoy619  (14 years ago)
Just do it if u can u know what bro?i bet her already have another guy just wait 4 her until u be the fucking death man u is the foolish guy
ijoy619  (14 years ago)
Ko nie pe hal ar?dri dlu smpi skrng dgil x nk dgr kata org cuba fkr positif ckit bro
ijoy619  (14 years ago)
So u gf is norulazwa?
Norulazwa  (14 years ago)
Hi skarface npe tukar pic?pic awak td 2 kiut ler
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