Relation: Single | |
Mobile Operator: Nokia 5300 | |
Phone Model: Nokia 5300 | |
Occupation: drummer of a death metal band | |
Like: death metal music | |
Hate: hip hop music and stuffs | |
Fav. Music: death, metal, †, brutal, death, †, doom, †, speed, metal, †, black, metal, †, grind, core, †, trash, metal, †, progressive, metal, music, such, as, †, Monstrosity, †, Cannibal, Corpse, †, Vile, †, Vital, Remains, †, Paths, Of, Possession, †, Divine, Rapture, †, Hate, Eternal, †, Malevolent, Creation, † | |
Fav. Celebrity: Cameron Diaz, Jim Carrey etc | |
Skinner Since: 17 years ago | |
Last Login: 14 years ago | |