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mgahee1 @mgahee1

About Me:

Hello!! This is I wasn’t long before Mr. McGahee found the necessity of a good media buy to make sure campaigns survived and became successful in DRTV. He formulated and developed a methodology of media buying that has almost grown into a science. His media buying data base now has thousands of air-dates to draw from and features reports that separate out different buyers to monitor their individual performance. The screen even displays the maximum a time slot is worth for a particular genre of product on a given TV station. This methodology leaves the media buyer with no question what to offer the station, no matter what the sales rep is asking. Mr. McGahee continues his career as President of his agency, Excellent Marketing Results. Visit this site infomercial marketing, Infomercial Production. Successful marketing accomplishments include DRTV print, broadcast spots, and top grossing infomercial paigns.
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Relation: Is a Secret
Skinner Since: 14 years ago
Last Login: 14 years ago

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