Relation: Is a Secret | |
Mobile Operator: Airtel | |
Phone Model: Nokia C3 | |
Occupation: Am a student, love to be one, Good thing | |
Schools: Ask me, I will tell, for the Time being, Am not mentioning Here, D | |
Fav. Books: Most, by, William, Shakespeare, Agatha, Christie, W, Wordsworth, Rabindranath, Tagore, Shelly, Charles, Dickens, ♥Stephenie, Meyer♥, Mark, Twain, Books, The, Lovely, Bones, ♥♥Twilight, Saga♥♥, ♥♥♥Twilight, Saga, New, Moon, Eclipse, Breaking, Dawn♥♥♥, David, Copperfiel | |
Skinner Since: 13 years ago | |
Last Login: 13 years ago | |