saifsheena About Me:What ThE Fuck Du U KnOw AbouT Me ??: SaiF = AthiesT , Anti-kryst , No Fear , No Rulez , No Fuck , No BullshyT , No Foolz , 1 Luv , No Neardz , No SysteM , No Bailaaz , Only HeadBangerz Rock onnnnnnn.. Now its Like four in the night and i still think i am right pain is overwhealming what the fuck i still want to fight Again your before me and i am freezing at ur sight i know i am right i know i am still right so m Never Going to Let u go .. look at me peep into my eyes ........ my life my world my sole at my past unwhirled unwound lost in ur memories with your face all around i am flat on the ground with nowhereto2 go in the street in the hood i screem n i roar where the fuck is this pain cumming from i dont want it no more no more no fucking more of this no i aint taking this if you think i am wrong drink my piss A kiss 2 ur tears Wipe them away i am bad i am fucking wrong are the only fucking words they could say ur never leaving me alone no way Forever with you prevent me do whatever you want to do You cant keep me away stop the pain from cumming this way All i want is you its you that i want stay with me or go away forever the way u can my memories u haunt My PhyizologY :- JockeY Zone n Frenchie X inspired the egyptians 2 make pyramidz My Dad TaughT Me Neva 2 AppriciatE ShyT My MoM TaughT Me How 2 Kreate A FukkiN SolutioN 2 iT WhaT Da FucK DiD ur Ppl TeacH U .... My NyKe name iz Gambler ,typical badguy slayer ,Handsum in hanes,genuine in jockey,Friendly in frenchi & SexY in spykar Im Da 1 Da legendary gambler :- i JaYlEd ShAnBhAg MaDe BoScOZ LyFe MyZeRaBlE n made hym get hyz hair chopped AnD StOlE NeLsOnZ OiL PasTleZ AnD PaInT BrUsH N PaintyeD Da lazt supper Hiz BuM + M Da XkluziVe KauzE 2 All FemalE staff in Don Bozko Goin Bald , AlsO FuKKeD Up ThE EnTyRe SkOoL Az Diz YeAr iZ My LaSt iN ThE SkOoL i PlaN 2 LeavE A liTTLe SoVGnIeR FoR ThE StaFF AnD A MoMenT ThEy.......... Their goNnA Be BraiN FukkED BaD sO iF Ur a Fukkn Staff Member Frm Don BozkO Plz |