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 Last Bench Rockers..

Finally I've taken this topic.. I wished to analyse this topic with you all in good way.. Guys we know very well that, in schools the last benches are allotted always for some immoral students and below average students. Won't it spoil for their future? (13 years ago)

In my opinion last bencher cn do evn bettr than front benchrs. Actually the last benchrs often use their mind in othr naughtty activities which a serious boy cnt. U cn think if they run their mind in studies. What cnt they do !!!! (13 years ago)

a backbencher... i love it... being a bk bencher but then it becomes vry difficult to conc. On studies. once u get into the back seat mind automaticaly works in diff. Way iam a bk bencher and proud 2 be............ .......... Long live the bk bencher (13 years ago)

a backbencher... i love it... being a bk bencher but then it becomes vry difficult to conc. On studies. once u get into the back seat mind automaticaly works in diff. Way iam a bk bencher and proud 2 be............ .......... Long live the bk bencher (13 years ago)

am last bencher too... ßut i can handle my studies with fun together... I enjoy + also study.. But yeah few of my frnds dont concentrate but still its good to hang on with them en hav fun at the back.... (13 years ago)

am last bencher too... ßut i can handle my studies with fun together... I enjoy + also study.. But yeah few of my frnds dont concentrate but still its good to hang on with them en hav fun at the back.... (13 years ago)

Yeah itz not easy for a backbencher to con wen naughty things are goin besid him...!!! Being a bkbencher the things ! Hav done & seen haha you canhardly imagine...!!! Yu guyz vil wondr dez things happn in a class ruum..!! For everon husayz we are immoral&belw avg ""First bench students are intelligent.. Until the last bench students don't participate in the competition"..."" Kiddnpp (13 years ago)

Onethin i agree with phoenix is that theyare immoral..!! I cn't deny dat fact..!! (13 years ago)

back benchors damn suck! They don't let frönt students to study seriously who even cant go to tution. (13 years ago)

back benchors damn suck! They don't let frönt students to study seriously who even cant go to tution. (13 years ago)

back benchors damn suck! They don't let frönt students to study seriously who even cant go to tution. (13 years ago)

back benchors damn suck! They don't let frönt students to study seriously who even cant go to tution. (13 years ago)

Yes i also do prefer back benches to have lots of fun. Its not too much bad for conc. as most the times u all might have noticed,teachers eyes grazing those back benches and looking for the naughty ones. (13 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

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