Tsunami hit japan so sad may they all rest in peac who lost there lives.our world we all are harming it with our wrong acts.war is most dangerus act in wich allmost every one is involved we have to stop it and do some thing about it and most of all pray 4 peac 4 our world. (13 years ago)
u r rit .but should ido. (13 years ago)
Yes u can cuz wehn me n u will then others definatly follow us any way.agree? (13 years ago)
PRAYER iS thE big heLp wE aLL cAN dO... (13 years ago)
Prayer won't be a BIG help to people who are in trouble.. Extend your helping hands to rescue them.. Prayer is a matter of self satisfication and it comes under believing of God.. When people are physically helpless to victims, they pray for them(victims) to get recover from that trouble... How many of you have extended your real helping hands to your area people when they were in trouble..? Hmmm..? (13 years ago)
so wat help u cAN ofFer 2 dEm..wen U are far fr0m dEm...PRAyer wiL dO much helf for dEm...c0z oNLy gOd haS the power tO reLieve the trouble deyr beEN..oNLY gOd cAN pROvidE wAtever dEY neEdEd after aLL dER sufFering cAUseD by thE tsunami...u cANn0t hav wat uve got bAaLAa with OuT gOd sakE...haha (13 years ago)
God has the power to relieve them from tsunami.. Ohhhh...! If it is so, who is the reason for tsunami... According to you.... Your god is responsible for everything.. Then, why did he/she make this kind of natural disasters to affect the people..? (13 years ago)
I Ask one more Q to you Devil.. Did you pray for them today? (13 years ago)
BAala..1St of aLL i knu dat u knu wat i mean...its just that ure making thngs c0mplctEd in ur minD...wat can i expct oN u..a man against with gOd...pPOL Lyk u are reALy haRd 2 dEAL with...dD u even askEd uRseLf wer u fr0m..WhO CReatEd u...evrythng exiStng n ds world are creatEd bY GOD...f dat tsuNAmi hit japan n f s0me pPOL are fAcing alL tr0ubles n ds lyf are just a gOD's waY 4 dEm 2 remind ds pPoL 2 take dER rsPOnsblties y dey r creatEd by gOD...hE whO ever d0nt have faith n gOD wiLl LEave aware with dat bAalaA...haha (13 years ago)
When the tsunami hit our state on Dec 26th 2004, me and Our colleagues were in a meeting at a hotel near to beach.. First we escaped from that place to rescue ourselve then later an hour we saved many fishermen.. I saved one child but his parents died.. She was in my home for three days then I addressed her relatives and I handed over to them.. Even our govt did many for the people, our youth club guys collected many things like dresses, and home need articles.. Then we parceled that materials to Srilanka (because that country was affected much more than our state..).. This effective work was admired by all.. Since we didn't care of our soul to rescue the people, our dept rewarded us.. If you've an effective hand, you won't sit in your room and won't pray for the people.. Stop chanting.. Come down to do work for the people.. And And.. Your God won't accept your merely praying words when you've two hands to extend for that people.. Ha..Ha.. Ha..Ha.. (13 years ago)
I mean, he who d0nt have faith in gOd wiL Live h!s lyf miSEraBLE... (13 years ago)
Wow...ud beEn nice 4 dat...wiL, even f im at dat m0ment and having a chance 2 REScueD dEm..y nOt...i wOULd lay my hand open widE with dEm just 2 help..bUt un4tUNately i wasn't dER...itS part of our living tO help eaCh and evry1 who is neEding heLp.. (13 years ago)
Hello Devil(ha..ha..)... Go to topic Big Bang... And come here because everyone got tired after debating about the God, god... Don't make the path of this topic to wrong way.. Okay...? I asked a Q.. Did you pray for them when you heard the news...? It's not the matter for debating in forum..! Be frank and real.... Cann't you do anything physically for the people who were suffered by tsunami..? Ha..Ha.. (13 years ago)
Ha..Ha.. Never expect the Victims should near to you.. I'm far away from them.... This is an effortless word.. According to our Mother Theresa's great word..., Helping hands are more better than praying lips.. If Our Mother Theresa had thought like that, she would be a mother to her children only... Since she came down to street to help others, she became as MOTHER FOR ALL OF US.. Realize this... Okay..? And and don't throw your volcanic words on me.. Be cool.. Believing god is a personal matter of everyone.. I'M NOT YOU.. (13 years ago)
Haha,yes i diD pRAY 4 dEm 2 sumdy dEY wiL streghten dER faith n god and overc0me to dat incidENt...i dnt neEd 2 be nvolveD with dat biGbAng iSsues...coz, i respect mY gOd...i blieve n h!m and dERs nO way 4me 2 ask any Q for my dvoti0n 2 h!m...wen u let urself FRayeD with dat kind of MUCh en0ugH with wHAt im bLievng...i d0nt neD dstrcti0n it cnt heLp... (13 years ago)
I respect your thought about your god.. I'm not beliving your god.. It's my passion.. Why do you expect others to follow your god? (13 years ago)
So tell me how cn u help in such way of being hands oN wen ure far with ds pRsoNS affectEd by dat incidENt?hahah bAre dS to ur mind...f ure caPAble to do it dEn dErS nO REas0n 4u n0t 2 help..u mUSt loOk bfore u leap...dER r certain th!ngS dat realy OuT Of our reaCh...n0thng else u cn do bUt to pRAy...helpingHANds iS realy btter bt pRayer wen ure nOt around wd dat events wil much btter..just atleast even ure n0t nvolveD with dat incdENt u do mOUrn with dER a perSOn... (13 years ago)
No am n0t telling u 2 follow with wat am just coNCluding dat dER is rely gOd whOm wen cAN ask 4 help...i do resPECt ure views n lyf...i dnt hav ryt 2 be anNoyeD with dat...were talking bwt help...and i just said wat cAN i ofFer 4a help...and its pRAYER...and u are with a help in a way of ur pREsence..nO pROblm bwt it..we both hav a goOd intenti0n 2 help..just resPECt wat h othr cn ofFer...ΓΌ (13 years ago)
I give you ideas for helping them.. Are you ready to do it? (13 years ago)
Ok tell me? (13 years ago)