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 GooD Girls vs BaD Girls

He.. Hee.. Whats the diff b/w GG and BG..? How do you identify such girls as good or bad?  (13 years ago)

good girls will go to heaven,bad girls will go to the streets. (13 years ago)

Is there no street in heaven..? He.. Hee.. (13 years ago)

in a precise way, every girl is bad... And i recognise the goodness/badness of a girl automatically  (13 years ago)

good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught..LOL (13 years ago)

alien... How do you say every girl is bad? Then Why have you mention in your profile as Hate:Bad girls.. Hmmm..?  (13 years ago)

alien... How do you say every girl is bad? Then Why have you mentioned* in your profile as Hate:Bad girls.. Hmmm..?  (13 years ago)

rodayao.. Have you ever caught any good girl...? Haa... Haaa.. Just for fun.. Heeee.. (13 years ago)

And my another Q is, in which way do you separate a girl as bad girl in a bevy of girls...? By her attitude? By her activity? By her dressing? By her speech? By her virginity? By all the above ways..? (13 years ago)

hmm..phoenix, acc. To me, a bad girl has following charecterstics... (13 years ago)

2nd quest: I thnk by ol da abv waYs..! (13 years ago)

FolloWing? (13 years ago)

phoenix.. Bad girl, in my profile, means playgirl, flirty,lust for sex, CHALU (hiNdi WoRd). However, girls with characterstics ( not in profile mean) with jeolous, gready, proudy r also bad girls. (13 years ago)

Jealous, greedy, proud, vanity etc are not only for girls but also for boys...  (13 years ago)

... InfaCt boyZ posseS ol deSe mOre daN galz.. HoneStly..!! ;;;;He he;;;; (13 years ago)

ya u r right phoenix... But except vanity all chrctrstics r more common in girl than boy. (13 years ago)

Yeah Yeah.. You are right alien.. Vanity is the Great asset of Girls.... (13 years ago)

Yeah Yeah.. You are right alien.. Vanity is the Great asset of Girls.... (13 years ago)

@funky honestly u r wrong. He he... (13 years ago)

may b u r right.. (13 years ago)

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