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 Do You Agree with This?

First ImpressioN is the Best ImpressioN... (13 years ago)

Not at all.. eeee.. (13 years ago)

yea.. N0t really.. It Depends up0n the pers0n inv0lve. (13 years ago)

Yeah.. Thats what I ask MAMS.. Do you agree with this? Is First impression, the best impression..? (13 years ago)

this works only in front of teachers and lover.......but not in front of friends...... (13 years ago)

really ! (13 years ago)

I wz cauGht lauGhing at mY frnd's jOke durinG an asSemblY bY a neW teaCher wile iN sChool.. sHe hateD me fOr miSbehavinG frOm dat daY.. But a few mOnths lateR sOmone aSked whO's heR favrt stuDent.., she sMileD at me and tOld mY naMe.., sHe alSo saiD i wz helpful, oBedient, n oNe amnG d brigHt stuDents...sO i dnt believ, the frSt impreSsion dOes alwaYs matteR...! (13 years ago)

I dont think so phoenix..LOL (13 years ago)

Hmmm.. (13 years ago)

 (13 years ago)

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