do you think is social networking will make healthy relationships????? (13 years ago)
First of tell me, whats mean by Healthy Relationship? (13 years ago)
Ha.. Haa.. When, Good friendship is possible, then everything is possible... When any one of the relationship is impossible, then nothing is possible.. (13 years ago)
yea yea.. friendship w0uld be better.. I d0n't think s0 for r0mance.. N0wadays, its very danger0us to meet s0me0ne y0u knew in s0cial netw0rking sites.. (13 years ago)
I dint get da queSion ryt.... Make it cleaR... Jainu (13 years ago)
i mean is a social network will help u to have a good, healthy, decent friendships & relationships? you got it? (13 years ago)
According to me, social network is similar to real life.. Fake and real are in both real life and social networking.. (13 years ago)
@Jainu92, Yea, i juz got yua qsn.. I thinK it cOnneCts peOple aRounD d wOrld.., n i partly agRee dat it dOes maKe gud frnDz... NOthing mOre thaN frnDz...,eVen relatiOnShipz lyk marRiaGes ol wOnt giV out da beSt reSult..! (13 years ago)
but indecent relationships also going there.. what about that? for ex: there are so many sex chat rooms in os. and some are disturbing others. and make them also feel dirty. will u agree with that also???? will u get that also as a advantage? (13 years ago)
Heeeee.. See my words... What is going in real life, the same is going in websites too.. Sex chat room is nothing but illegal bed rooms.. (13 years ago)
oh thanks for you comments.... (13 years ago)
Kay.. Welcome.. (13 years ago)
are u guys created any topics??? (13 years ago)
(13 years ago)