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im really sad when visit this forum as i login my os account n got to know that one by one os forum member was leaving..why??just bcs of some topics??this is forum everyone hv their right to speak up their mind n debate it,why must get iritate n leave the forum??if u dont like the topic that some scinner create it then just ignored no need to post comment on it.. (13 years ago)

Yes ka.. You are 100% right.. Najami bro got tensed due to someone irritated him by checking his patriotism.. He is my dear guy.. Some of regular skinners are not good in all aspects ka.. Thats the problem.. (13 years ago)

sinOx sis.... I'l tel u abt me.. Evry tiMe i thinK of quittinG Os, it brouGht me mOre clOser tO it.. I think if peOple r haVing prOblem wiD d skinneRs theY shuD nOt staY in tuCh fOr a paRtiCulaR reaSon, n nOt d saMe wiD d entiRe fOrum membeRz..! FOrum iz OfcorSe a plaCe fOr ones veiWs, infOrmatiOn zOne and a plaCe tO debate..., if d tOpic greW muCh hOtteR peOple muSt slip awaY frOm d tOpic n nOt frOm d fOrum.. WidOut infrmatiVe topiCs on d foruM it luKs mOre lyk a chat roOm.. I thnK eveRy one ar free tO shaRe waT theY feel, n yes abuSinG heRe is a dfrnt matteR..!!  (13 years ago)

Oh...my dear frnds do'nt debate just for my exit from os u can name alot of skiners who left the os why they left cuz some guys here are realy behave like that they r from a big place and its there right to insult or not respecting any other member thats why most of skiners left it but i am just going away for some time i will back but changed a bit.thnx my frnds..bro u r also my dearest frnd on os and also u can say in my life in away. (13 years ago)

thankz Najami bhai.... (13 years ago)

Hey Najami... Will you leave me too..? According to me, Leaving from a site for a husky reason is similar to, firing your own house owing to the fear of a bug... Don't leave this site ever.. This is your brother's request.. I hope that You won't reject my request.. (13 years ago)

Oh no bro i won't leave u ever in my life u mean alot to me bro.i ca'nt refuse ur request i take it as an order but as i told before that i will take some rest and come back with the bang.he he he,..,.and sagar the azad bhai wo subah door nahi jb kashmir main azadi ka suraj tuluh ho ga or hmary muslman bhai is muslat krda ghulami sy nijat hasil kr ryn gy.or hmary mehman bhai jo kashmir sy a k yahan abad hain apny ghrun ko lot jayen gy.beshk ALLAH sbr krny walun k sath hai..'or yad rkhna shidon ka khoon zaya nai jata ye qatilon ko hisab dena ho ga. (13 years ago)

mere pyare bhaiyo kashmir ko na hm badal sakte hai na pakistan,,,,, kashmir ko sirf or sirf kashmir k log hi badal sakte hein aagar unme ek jutta hai to koi unhe hilaa nehi sakega na pakistan na terrorist,,,,,... (13 years ago)

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