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 The BesT&The WorsT

Which is the Best invention and the Worst invention in the World in Your PoinT of View..? Explanation is optional.. (13 years ago)

According to me, The Best invention in the world is, invention of MagnetiC LineS of Force in a MagneT.. It is the vital important raw one for all other inventions.. The Worst invention in the world is, invention of Religions... Even the religions had been created for good purpose, they lost its reality by those followers's attitude against other religions.. (13 years ago)

Best invention will be languages, without it many other inventions seem unlikely. Worst invention is language too, without it, we will not have religions. (13 years ago)

agree with MAMS (13 years ago)

best=nature.....worst=human--->sorry kinda different tho heheheeeeemmm (13 years ago)

best - quantisation of energy^charge worst- weapon (13 years ago)

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