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I wanna knw the ways to help out someone who is addicted to drugs.i have a friend of myn very focused but of let his changed.he stammers and shakes as tho' sick.i think he uses syringes coz his arms are blotted.wat can i do to help gals & guys.help me help him.welcom  (14 years ago)

Let him die (14 years ago)

Let him die (14 years ago)

hi u asked a very good question. I think u should carry him to a doctor & start proper treatment. Also some1 must remain with him all time that will stop him from taking drgs. I dont kno eng. Well. Sorry if any mistakes. Thnx (14 years ago)

The one who takes durgs should be always around his frnds...He should not think negetive...He should always good books and should know the disadvantages of taking durgs.. (14 years ago)

is ua friend willng? (14 years ago)

thanx Rafshi i thought of that option before i resolved to seek help from friends lyk yu. As for DEEP THANKS BIG my friend i'll try have him seek medication by seeing a doctor. Dont worry about yua English no one woz born knowing it.just practise more amd yu'll attain perfection. ALLAN too thanks man, its very true that peer pressure spoils him.any other ways ladie and gentlemen.....  (14 years ago)

even tho' he might not be willing i'll try force him.he is lyk my bro,we went to school 2getha and hav been gud friends to date. Man! I must find a way....pliiz help  (14 years ago)

hi . in my opinion 1rst go see a doctor n dont let him alone . that god help him n recover soon. (14 years ago)

doctor haha it is a joke?? da only things cn change men is money n women..myb ur fren just lost directions in her lyfe..find out da reasons y ur fren start taking drugs is it b'coz of heartbreaking o he juz give up in her lyfe..then find out what cn bring him new motivations directions in lyfe..BUT if ur fren taking drugs just b'coz of he lyke hanging high then its hard to change dude,it is mind settings.. (14 years ago)

Well my mam and my brother and my sister are taken wiz nealy every day and i just let them get on with it coz at the end of the day its there life  (14 years ago)

Wow babe. U should have told me about this. Umm u have to talk to him. Make him see that it's not just affecting him but also it's hurting the people around him that care about him. Let him know that u will support him while he quits. It's so sad. He has to be willing to quit to. Last but not least babe. Pray ur ass off. Nothings to big for god. Don't tell god how big your problems are. Tell your problems (14 years ago)

Wow babe. U should have told me about this. Umm u have to talk to him. Make him see that it's not just affecting him but also it's hurting the people around him that care about him. Let him know that u will support him while he quits. It's so sad. He has to be willing to quit to. Last but not least babe. Pray ur ass off. Nothings to big for god. Don't tell god how big your problems are. Tell your problems (14 years ago)

Don't tell god how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big god is. I love u babe. I'm so sorry that ur friend is unwell. . I can only imagine how hard this is for u babe. Chin up Hun. I love (14 years ago)

1st:tell the cops,they can arrest him and i'm sure he can't smoke once he's in jail  (14 years ago)

yeah i will always keep my chip babie nix but i wanna help coz i think deep in his mind this friend of mine needs me. Yeah praying is 'wajib' and hope he changes but i think the friends he keeps too are bringing him down. Hahahhaa Stillnox yu mean i call the cops and hav him remanded? I dont think thats a good idea coz i'll be graviating all the effort and his need for change. I need words and wisdom to entice him to go to see a doc.i say thanx to all who see a need to help me help him.comment on pliiz. (14 years ago)

come on guys give me a way out to help my friend here, pliiiiizz. (14 years ago)

thanx lee. But Sory, i couldnt undrstnd ur language. I think ur other friends should remain physically wd u to help ur frnd. Its my fault that i cant help u physically but if u have any quest. I would like to ans. Dat quest. (14 years ago)

You should incorrage him to stop taking drugs..or may be u should tell him to join in an sports that he like most so that he can not be tempted to take drugs.! Or if he/she doesnt want to listen to you, may be you should send him in the rehabilitition center.. ...  (14 years ago)

Hmm just tell him how (14 years ago)

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