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 Did they care about my felling

ra nhap^. vao\ clan toj^ da~ rat^' tjn tuong? ho. , luc' dau^\ ho. rat' tot^' voj' toj^ nhung khj bjet' toj^ la\ con gaj' ho. thay doj^?, ho. coj thuong\ toj^ chj? vj\ toj^ la\ con gaj'. ho. cam^' toj^ dau^' clan, ho. bao? toj^ la\ con gaj', toj^ ga\, uk thj\ toj^ cung~ ga\ dau^' doj^. that^. nhung ho. da~ bao h thay' toj^ ban' dat. bom hs o? cao cap^' chua, toj^ chj? ban' dc vaj\ map ko co' nghja~ la\ toj^ ga\ , ho. con\ vjet^' tren^ tuong\ clan " can^? than^. keo? toj^ lua\ tjnh\" toj^ co' loj^~ khj sjnh ra toj^ la\ con gaj' sao, ho. co' nghj~ den^' vjec. toj^ cam? thay' the^ nao\ khj ho. noj' nhung~ djeu\ do' ko hjx hjx (13 years ago)

Join in that clan, i was trust them, when i am new they was very kind to me but when they knew i am a girl, they change. they not allow me to warclan, they said that i am a girl, i am a chicken, what? i can shoot in map " kim tu thap" but i am very good at map "vien nghien cuu","xuong hoa chat" and"phe tich co", but do they care. they writen in clan wall " becareful about rabbjt she can playing with your love" did i want to be a girl? did i doing sth wrong to them? no ! did they think about my felling when they said that hixhix (13 years ago)

Lua chon so 1, roj khoj clan roj lap 1 clan khak tuyen toan nu~. Sau do xd clan lon mah cho bon quan tu rom ay bjet mat. Lua chon t2 la nghj cf, qua choj audition or 1 game mmo nao do, n0j ma gamer nu~ dk chao don hon ca nam. Haha (13 years ago)

Nen nho rag:la con gai that tuyet (13 years ago)

Dau^ the? vj\ 1 clan ma\ bo? ca? 3 clan con\ laj. (13 years ago)

La k0n gaj' tkj c0' sa0 cku' ? tr0g. nam kjnk nu~ tke' tkj ckag k0n j de n0j (13 years ago)

La k0n gaj' tkj c0' sa0 cku' ? tr0g. nam kjnk nu~ tke' tkj ckag k0n j de n0j (13 years ago)

Nkam khjnk nu~ nka' (13 years ago)

Nkam khjnk nu~ nka' (13 years ago)

La k0n gaj' tkj c0' sa0 cku' ? tr0g. nam kjnk nu~ tke' tkj ckag k0n j de n0j (13 years ago)

Ha' ha' kho^? than^ eliter bj. hju? lam^\ (13 years ago)

Chan. Hjx. Mk theo tu tg trog nu~ khjh nam vay ma. Hajz. Caj j ma bo 3 clan (13 years ago)

Mjnh co' 4njck cf, 4clan, h bo? cf ko khac' bo? ca? 3 clan con\ laj. (13 years ago)

Noj tkat nka 2 ng dag ban ch. kh0? vj la k0n gaj hay n0j' ve\ clan (cf) zay. ? (13 years ago)

Thuc te la vi la con gai nen rabbit bi clan tro mat. (13 years ago)

Tkat kh0? ck0 rabbjt . Rabbjt c0 len nka (13 years ago)

Thj\ mjnh\ chj? ko mun' noj' doj' ho. nen moj' noj' ra aj ngo\ ho. thay doj? thaj' do^. nhu vay. (13 years ago)

Dag lo day' sa0 rabbit k tku r0j kh0j clan day dj nkjeu\ khj cug~ pkaj? ma0. hjem cku' (13 years ago)

Mao. hjem? ruj\, out ruj\ laj. ve^\ taj. nho' truong? clan haha (13 years ago)

Nko' nkug j khj h0. tr0? mat. vs mjk cku' (13 years ago)

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