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 h0w can u kn0w if a guy is sincere?

sincerity is what i need (14 years ago)

compare wid me..... U'll get answer automaticly. (14 years ago)

compare wid me..... U'll get answer automaticly. (14 years ago)

I m enough sincere really believe me. (14 years ago)

women instinct is 70 percent reliable.. just use it well n am sure ull be able to figure it out soon.. bunch of luck... (14 years ago)

sincerity is'nt bunch of luck . It's not comparing . It doesn't depent on instinct . It a way to reaspect ur performence..... (^_^) (14 years ago)

@mridulbarman16 did i say sincerity is a bunch of luck? did i ever compare them huh! the question is HOW WOULD U KNOW IF A GUY IS SINCERE? as a woman i use my instinct , when i say instinct it is the rational side of a person.. there r times that we have to be rational rather than emotional as anyone can wear mask n pretend to be ur knight in shining armor wen infact he is a devil...lol  (14 years ago)

..... (14 years ago)

sincerity is what you have for your loveone without selfishness (14 years ago)

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